当然,既然是一个小法庭, 学生就有为自己辩解的权力,甚至学生可以找老师来做自己的辩护人。但是犯错就是犯错,无论轻重,都会得到相应的惩罚。至于惩罚措施,学校会根据学生的认错态度,前科,年龄等等不同因素来决定,轻到警告,取消考试成绩,重到停课甚至被开除都有可能。
Student A, this email is to summarize our discussion today:
- You have been accused of cheating. (你已经被指控作弊)
- You will sit before the Honor Council Wednesday 4/13 at 3:45pm to discuss the event. (你将会在4月13号星期三下午3:45和诚信委员会讨论这一问题)
- I encourage you to discuss this with your advisor immediately. (我建议你尽快去和你的导师讨论一下这个问题)
- On Wednesday, wait with your advisor until I call him to let them know the council is ready to see you. (星期三,请和你的导师一起等待,待诚信委员会准备好后,我会告知你的导师)
- Please submit to me your written version of events by tomorrow morning. (请在明天早上以前提交一份书面文稿阐述事情的经过)
- If you choose to have an advocate in addition to your advisor, please confirm who will act as your advocate in your written version of events. (除了你的导师以外,如果你还想选择另一个人作为你的辩护人,你可以在书面文稿里作出说明)
- Mr. B or Mrs. C will notify your parents of the hearing within 24 hours. I strongly encourage you to discuss the incident with them before then. (B老师和C老师会在24小时以内通知你的家长关于听证会的事情。我强烈建议你在此之前将此次事件告诉你的父母)
Student A, this email is to summarize your discussion with Mr.B today. For cheating on your math exam you will serve the following consequence:
- 2 days of work (参与两天校园工作,例如除草,清洁等等)
- a discussion with Mrs.D about the potential ramifications of cheating on college and beyond. Please contact Mrs. D to arrange a time to talk. (与D老师谈话,讨论在大学里作弊的严重性)
- A letter of apology to Mrs. E (给E老师写一封道歉信)