Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Fun Dictation

Memorizing new words could be a dull task. How to make it more interesting? There might be a lot of different ways, but here is the one that I did with my students.

There was a traditional way in Chinese schools “dictation”, that helps to check students work on memorizing the new words. Literally, the teacher will call out the words one at a time, and students just put the words that they hear down on paper. It was a good way to test if the students memorize the words, however, it wasn’t fun.

I ask my students to dictate on sticky notes. If they have the right words, they can put the notes on the side; if they get it wrong, they should stick the notes on their faces. In the end, the student who has the least sticky notes on their face wins. For the winner, I usually give them an extra point on their next quiz. We did the fun dictation for several times, and I can tell that it helps the students to memorize the new words and makes everything more interesting.

Teaching Tips 教学小贴士:

It might be helpful to go over the words with students beforehand by using Quizlet or similar tools.

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